Kurdistan Regional GovernmentRepresentation in Italy

Roma - 19 Giu 2014
Mrs. Kader participates in the exhibition "Women & Diplomacy: Life and career paths" to SIOI

Today Mrs. Kader has participated in the exhibition "Women & Diplomacy: career paths and life" held at  SIOI, the Italian Society for International Organization.
The exhibition was commissioned and funded by DID, Association of Women Italian diplomatic representation in order for the first time in Italy a collective image of the feminine diplomacy.
With around 200 photographs and numerous press articles and documents, the exhibition tells the stories of women proud to represent their country in the world and engaged in the promotion of national, political, economic, cultural and security interests. Moreover it tells of the difficulties but also the satisfactions of a life spent among different peoples and cultures and in continuous movement, and moments of personal and family life.
The exhibition was opened with a greeting message of the President of the Association, Amb. Laura Mirachian, the President of SIOI Franco Frattini and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Amb. Michele Valensise, representing the Minister for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini.